Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Maximum Ride Series: Ugh...

Max (Maximum Ride, #5)Max by James Patterson

This series is really starting to annoy me.

when i started this series in (idk, 5th grade?)I thought it was epic. I loved the ideas, I loved the concept, and I loved the action.

But really, I feel like Patterson's young adult writing is turning into crap.

Sure, they're fun to read the first time around. They're interesting. They keep you hooked. But the writing was pretty bad in my opinion; it doesn't draw me in as much as other books with for a few reasons.

First off: It doesn't feel realistic. Sure, it's set in our world, blah dee dah de dah, but I can't see it as our world; it doesn't feel like half of the things could happen, but they do, and so easily. Since they're living in the real world, Patterson can't really get away with vague descriptions of the outside world because, well, THEY'RE THERE. I feel like I would have liked it more if, i dunno, he made the places more realistic.

The mutations are even more impossible, which makes the books much more annoying. This isn't a fantasy series. Or at least, it didn't start out as one. So the random spontaneous powers showing up makes me want to bash my head against the wall. Over and over again.

Second: They're. So. Unreal. The characters don't really change at all. Heck, I can't even tell if Max has changed because she still feels the same as she did at the beginning of this series. Same attitude. same decisions. Sure, she likes Fang now. She admits it. But there's no change. no shocking revelation. No development. It makes these books maddeningly annoying to reread (which I am notorious for). Angel was always a little brat (would use worse word here, but ._.). And the rest of them... Nudge wants to be normal. Fang opens up more to Max. But why? I don't know. There's no real indication of their thoughts changing, it was just BANG they changed their minds. It. Was. Annoying. It was too spontaneous, too sudden. It bothered me.

There are probably more problems I have with this series, but it's not bad if you're reading it for the plot, like I am. I just want to know how all of this ends. Maybe Angel will die (Yes! >:D).

But I'm reading the rest of the books anyway.

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