So much for trying to blog more often. x.x
So, books and movies.
It should have never happened.
Okay, so that was a little harsh, but really, the movies are basically trying to get the book across, but instead, they're twisting the events and whatnot around. They were created so that those lazy bums can get the entire book (incorrectly) in a little less than 2 hours. I'm so glad I don't even watch many movies int he first place.
Onto ranting about differences.
First Example: The lightning thief.
What happened to the story?
What happened to the characters?
What happened to everything??
So. In the book, they're 12. Yes, 12. Yet Percy is being played by a seventeen year old (forgive me if I'm wrong) and Annabeth by a twenty one year old (WTF SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE BLOND TOO D:<)and why in the world if Grover African American? why? Heck, the only characters that turned out okay were the unimportant ones and Luke. So even before I watched that horrible movie, I knew it was gonna suck because of the cast. Ugh. *shudder*
Storyline: No. Just no. The hydra doesn't show up til the next book, the lightning bolt was NOT hidden in the shield, and why the heck would they bother carrying around a dismembered head? A lot of stuff is missing too: The Arch, Ares, the oracle, the hellhound, Clarisse (How could they forget Clarisse?!?!?), and other random crap I can't remember right now. Heck, the plot was pretty much entirely different. They're hunting after pearls. He trades Grover for his mom. WTF. WTF. WTF.
I can go on, but I feel like I'm gonna have to censor it if I do. So, onto another example: The Last Song.
The movie itself wasn't bad. In fact, it was really sad, and a lot of the things that happened really did happen in the book. But the order was screwed up, and I felt like a lot of stuff was missing. Like, Ronnie had purple streaks in her hair, didn't she? The actor (not even gonna bother mentioning her by name *puke*) didn't really match my image of her, although the others were okay. Also, Ronnie's father wasn't involed in the church fire, but in the movie he was? Augh, sigh... comparing books to movies honestly makes my brain melt. x.x
But I really liked the (anime) movie of Howl's Moving Castle, even though it was so unlike the book. I felt like the movie had way more development from the characters, as well as going into greater detail about the world they live in. The ending was sweet, too.
But other than that, I suggest read the books. The books are always better. The books gives more perspectives and can relay thoughts a lot easier without seeming cheesy with voice overs everywhere. So the producers basically banish the thoughts and hope they're implied as they create the horrible film adaptation of what used to be an awesome book.
Blargh. Done with rant. Just read the book. It's better, anyway.
I cannot STAND the Lightning Thief movie. It makes me want to cry. At the mini book club I run, we're going to read TLT and watch the movie at the end and boo loudly whenever something inaccurate happens.
We're going to run out of voice four minutes in, aren't we?
oh yes you are >:D